Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Research Research projects
Firm start-ups in regional industry clusters: The example of Laser-technology in Southeast Lower Saxony

Firm start-ups in regional industry clusters: The example of Laser-technology in Southeast Lower Saxony

Led by:  Prof. Dr. Ingo Liefner
Team:  Nadine Pantazis
Year:  2006
Funding:  Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony
Duration:  2004 - 2006
Is Finished:  yes

Company start-ups and regional economic clustering are viewed as two important determinants of regional economic growth. So far, the inter-relation of these two factors has not explicitly been analysed. This research gap exists especially with respect to regions that do not host functioning clusters but only potential clusters. This research project aims to fill this void looking at firm start-ups and clustering in the field of laser industry in South-eastern Lower Saxony. In a first step the value chains of the located companies are analysed. In a second step, the contribution of newly founded firms to regional clustering and the benefits from being located in an emerging regional cluster are assessed.

Poster [126 KB]