Hannover''s graduates of the Master''s programme in Economic Geography not only generally have very good opportunities on the labour market, but they can also successfully start their own business. Marvin Schön, founder and managing director of the medical device portal Medizinio, and his co-managing director Christoph Bartram, who joined the company in 2019, have received the "DurchSTARTerpreis 2020" (Scale-up category), which is renowned in the start-up scene, from the government of the federal state of Lower Saxony and the NBank for /?id=3060. The company was founded in 2018 and brings together suppliers and consumers of medical devices. Medizinio provides information about the latest devices and trends in the field of medical technology, advises buyers free of charge, also arranges suitable offers for new devices free of charge and coordinates the delivery of the desired device directly to the doctor''s practice as well as the professional installation by partner companies. Medizinio currently has 15 employees and ranked 16th among the fastest growing start-ups in Germany in July 2020, as documented by data from the investor search engine Glassdollar. Starting Business, the start-up consultancy at Leibniz Universität Hannover, had supported this successful university spin-off during the start-up phase.
Both Christoph Bartram and founder Marvin Schön had previously completed the master''s programme in economic geography in Hanover, which also includes entrepreneurship courses. Particularly pleasing from the point of view of the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography: a (small) part of the skills acquired in the Master''s programme contributed directly to the development of the business idea. With Jannis Baumgarten, another graduate of Human Geography in Hanover is also employed in the company.