Kerstin J. Schaefer, Lars Mewes and Tom Broekel represented the institute at the forth geography of innovation conference which took place at the end of January in Barcelona. The biannual conference on spatial dimensions of innovative activities brings together researchers from the fields of economic geography, economics, management science and political science. Kerstin J. Schaefer presented her research on the topic of knowledge transfer in emerging market multinationals in her talk "The role of local inventors in global knowledge absorption by latecomer companies: Can money buy knowledge?". Lars Mewes gave a talk about his research on unconventional inventions entitled "Scaling of Atypical and Typical Knowledge Combinations in American Metropolitan Areas from 1836 to 2010". In his talk "Measuring technological complexity - Current approaches and a new measure of structural complexity", Tom Broekel presented his current research on knowledge complexity and introduced a new measure called structural complexity.