Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Institute News
New Research Associates in Economic Geography

New Research Associates in Economic Geography

© Barnikol, J.; Schott, L.; Schneider, K.F., 2020

In October and November, the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography welcomed three new team members to the Working Group Economic Geography. Julian Barnikol and Lennart Schott started on October 15 and since the beginning of November Florian Schneider is also part of the team.

Julian Barnikol studied Geography (B.Sc.) as well as Economic Geography and Spatial Development Policy (M.Sc.) at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen and Utrecht University. Afterwards he worked as project manager for economic and regional research at HA Hessen Agentur. Under the direction of Prof. Liefner, he is working on the research project “Implementation conditions for frugality in innovation processes”. The Project is financed by the promotional program Pro*Niedersachsen.

Lennart Schott studied Geography with a focus on economic geography at Leibniz University Hannover, Queen's University Belfast and Louisiana State University (LSU). In the Working Group Economic Geography he will, in addition to teaching, also be involved in the project "Standardization of Automated Driving Technologies - An Opportunity for Market Entry of Emerging Regions?", which is led by Dr. Schaefer. The project receives funding from Leibniz University Hannover within the framework of the "Leibniz Young Investigator Grants".

Florian Schneider has studied Human Geography (M.Sc.) focusing on Economic Geography at Utrecht University and Geography (B.A.) at Leibniz University Hanover and Hong Kong Baptist University. For his PhD, he will conduct research on the reciprocal knowledge transfer in Chinese-German cooperation projects aiming to analyse cultural differences in motivation and behaviour during the innovation process. The project, part of an interdisciplinary research association, is funded by the Lower Saxonian Ministry for Science and Culture.

Published by J. Barnikol, L. Schott, F. Schneider