In emerging economies such as China, marked by profound regional disparities in terms of socio-economic wealth and technology, different regions use not only different levels of inputs into the innovation process, but also produce different outputs with qualitative diversity that is seldom sufficiently acknowledged. This paper, authored by Ingo Liefner, Henning Kroll, Gang Zeng and Anna-Barbara Heindl, uses structured expert interviews (AHP) to provide insights into the innovation profiles of four selected Chinese regions: Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Kunming. It combines information on drivers of innovation as well as innovation characteristics and objectives to establish and compare regional innovation profiles. This paper has been presented at the 2021 SASE Conference.
Liefner, I.; Kroll, H.; Zeng, G.; Heindl, A.-B. (2021): Regional Innovation Profiles: A Comparative Empirical Study of Four Chinese Regions Based on Expert Knowledge. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie. DOI: 10.1515/zfw-2020-0022