Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Institute News
New presentations: Synthesizing the Evidence on Entrepreneurial Contexts - A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

New presentations: Synthesizing the Evidence on Entrepreneurial Contexts - A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

© Stolz, L. und Queißner, M., 2021

From 18-20.10.2021 the 22nd DRUID Conference took place in Copenhagen. Hosted by the Copenhagen Business School, the conference is considered one of the most high-profile in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. Lennard Stolz and Martin Queißner (Ruhr-University Bochum) presented the methodology and first results of their meta-analysis on the determinants of start-up activities in a poster presentation.

The study is the first to apply this methodology to the topic, thus synthesizing the results of decades of research and deriving stylized facts and new insights. By including the spatial level of investigation of the respective studies in the meta-analysis, it is also shown that the individual determinants have different effects at different spatial levels of observation (local, regional, national). The determinants were also assigned to the elements of Stam's (2015) Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Framework. Among other findings, the results show that the element "Networks" significantly influences Entrepreneurial Activity at the local level with a high effect size. This supports the thesis of the high importance of local networks in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.

In October 2021, the "Virtual Community Conversations" of the IECER Conference took place on different dates. Lennard Stolz and Martin Queißner (RUB) gave a presentation on the meta-analysis described above. Their paper presented at the IECER Conference, which contains the first results of the meta-analysis, was also nominated for the Best Paper Award there.