Small but excellent was the motto of the small group of human geographers who represented the Institute at the bi-annual German Congress for Geography (DKG) in Kiel late September.
In her lecture on places of remembrance from a geographical perspective Elena Hubner considered, why cultural geographers should not think in terms of cultural memory in the sense of A. und J. Assmann, but of a memory of structures of feeling (R. Williams).
Karolin Kautzschmann presented the results of a project, Sbg Airbnb, on short-term rentals in Salzburg with Angela Hof. In a second talk, she discussed a theoretical approach on financialization processes of the built environment in countries of the global south.
In a session on "spaces of entrepreneurship" Rolf Sternberg provided a presentation entitled "From business incubators to coworking spaces - an interim review after three deacdes of regional entrepreneurship research in Germany". During the afternoon of the same day he opened a special event organised by him and Martina Fuchs (Cologne) on "Digitisation – spatial consequences for entrepreneurship and firms' innovations: Geographies in the year 2050" with a kick-off presentation on the same topic. Finally, invited by the coordinators Boris Braun (Cologne) und Robert Hassink (Kiel) on Friday afternoon he participated in a lively panel debate entitled "Human geography in the German-speaking world: between international-scientific and national-institutional constraints".