From the 28.-31. January the national teams of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) have met in Seoul (South Korea) for their 2018 Annual Meeting. GEM is the largest international research consortium for entrepreneurship worldwide. During the Annual Meeting the Global Report 2017/2018 was launched and the GEM community engaged in intensive and fruitful exchange of recent entrepreneurship research, GEM results, focus points of future contents of GEM and potential new GEM products. The German GEM team, which is led by the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography, was represented with two presentations. One by Johannes von Bloh (Leibniz University of Hanover) and one by Dr Gorynia-Pfeffer and Armin Baharian from the German Centre of Innovation and Productivity. A proposition from the German team regarding an approach to capture regional entrepreneurial ecosystems was discussed in depth and was well received.
The German GEM national report 2017/2018 is produced in cooperation with the RKW Kompetenzzentrum (German Centre of Innovation and Productivity) and will be published at the end of May 2018.