The most recent GEM national report has been launched, embedded in the hanoveranian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. During the event: “Impulses for shaping entrepreneurial regions in Germany“, which was co-organized by the RKW Kompetenzzentrum and hannoverimpuls, first the core results of the report were communicated by the RKW, followed by the presentation of the new GEM Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Index (ESI) by Johannes von Bloh. The Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography played a major role in the development of the ESI, which is an index that, for the first time, allows for gathering and analysing quantitative data on regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and their components.
After a Keynote by Thilo Haas of Connox, two additional stakeholders of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Hanover presented their organisations: Dörte Roloff presented the Hafven as Co-Working-Space and independent accelerator and Tobias Quebe of the LUH displayed the start-up service starting business. Subsequently a panel discussion took place, in which Prof. Dr. Sternberg, joined i.a. by Andreas Lenz of t3n, discussed the question, how Entrepreneurial Ecosystems might be shaped and developed. We want to thank all participants for the successful event, which also resulted in some media attention. A summary of the event and the outcomes can be accessed on the homepage of the RKW.