Institut für Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeographie Institut Termine und Infos
30. ISEG: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Cities | Prof. Martin Andersson

30. ISEG: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Cities | Prof. Martin Andersson

Prof. Martin Andersson,  University Lund, Sweden.

Programm und Ablauf des Seminars

18. - 22.05.2015 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr

  1. Session (18. Mai 2015):
    Agglomeration, Skills and Innovation - when and how do cities foster innovation?

    • Andersson, M,; Klaesson, J.; Larsson, J.P. (2014): "The Sources of the Urban Wage Premium by Worker Skills - spatial sorting or agglomeration economies?", Papers in Regional Science, 93 (4), 727-747.
    • Bacolod  M.; Blum, B.S.; Strange; B. and W. (2009): "Skills in the city", Journal of Urban Economics 65: 136-153.
    • Andersson, M; Thulin, P. (2013): "Does Spatial Employment Density Spur Inter-Firm Job Switching?", Annals of Regional Science, 5 (1), 245-272.
    • Neffke, F et al (2011): "The dynamics of agglomeration externalities along the life cycle of industries", Regional Studies, 45 (1), 49-65.
  2. Session (19. Mai 2015):
    Inside cities part 1 - neighborhoods and the attenuation of knowledge spillovers

    • Andersson, M,; Klaesson, J.; Larsson, J.P. (2015): "How local are spatial density externalities? - neighborhood effects in agglomeration economies", Regional Studies,
    • Larsson J. P. (2014): The neighborhood or the region? Reassessing the density-wage relationship using geocoded data, Annals of Regional Science 52, 367-384. doi:10.1007/s00168-014-0590-8.
    • Arzaghi M.; Henderson J. V. (2008): Networking off Madison Avenue, Review of Economic Studies 75, 1011-1038. doi:10.1111/j.1467-937X.2008.00499.x.
    • Glaeser E. L. (2000): The future of urban research: non-market interactions, Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 2000, 101-138. doi:10.2307/25067375.
    • Burger M. J.; Van Oort F. G.; Van der Knaap G. A. (2010): A treatise on the geographical scale of agglomeration externalities and the modifiable areal unit problem, Scienze Regionali 9, 19-40.
  3. Session (20. Mai 2015):
    Geographies of Entrepreneurship and industrial dynamics

    • Andersson, M and Xiao (2014): "Acquisitions of Start-ups by Incumbent Businesses A market selection process of "high-quality" entrants?,"Papers in Innovation Studies 2014/19, Lund University, CIRCLE - Center for Innovation, Research and Competences in the Learning Economy.
    • Andersson, M.; Klepper, S. (2013): "Characteristics and performance of new firms and spinoffs in Sweden," Industrial and Corporate Change, Oxford University Press, vol. 22(1), pages 245-280, February.
    • Andersson, M. and Koster (2011): Sources of Persistence in Regional Start-Up Rates - evidence from Sweden", Journal of Economic Geography, 11 (1), 179-201.
    • Faggio and Silva (2014): " Self-employment and entrepreneurship in urban and rural labour markets", Journal of Urban Economics, 84,  67-85.
    • Doms et al (2010): " Local labor force education, new business characteristics, and firm performance", Journal of Urban Economics, 67, 61-77.
  4. Session (21. Mai 2015):
    Inside cities part 2 - local clusters of entrepreneurship in cities

    • Andersson, M; Larsson, J.P. (2015): "Local Entrepreneurship Clusters in Cities" Journal of Economic Geography, 10.1093/jeg/lbu049.
    • Beugelsdijk, S. (2007): Entrepreneurial culture, regional innovativeness and economic growth. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17: 187-210.
    • Bosma, N.; Hessels, J.; Schutjens, V.; van Praag, M.; Verheul, I. (2012): Entrepreneurship and role models. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33: 410-424.
    • Fritsch, M.; Storey, D. J. (2014): "Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context: Historical Roots, Recent Developments and Future Challenges," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(6), pages 939-954.
    • Etzioni, A. (1987): Entrepreneurship, adaptation and legitimation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 8: 175-199.
  5. Session (22. Mai 2015):
    The city as a magnet of human capital

    • Gordon, I (2014): "Ambition, human capital acquisition and the metropolitan escalator", Regional Studies
    • Ahlin et al (2014): " Market Thickness and the Early Labor Market Career of University Graduates - an urban advantage?", Spatial Economic Analysis, 9(4), 396-419.
    • Costa, D.; Kahn, M. (2000): "Power Couples: changes in the locational choice of the college educated 1940-1990", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115, 1287-1315.
    • Niedomysl, T; Hansen, H. (2010): "What Matters More for the Decision to Migrate? - jobs versus amenities", Environment and Planning A, 42(7), 1636-1649.