Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Institute News
New publications by Tatjana Bennat, Ingo Liefner and Sebastian Losacker

New publications by Tatjana Bennat, Ingo Liefner and Sebastian Losacker

Innovation processes comprise interactive learning mechanisms by combining different knowledge sources. Using a set of 80 exploratory interviews with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and regional innovation consultants, Tatjana Bennat and Harm Alhusen (ifh Göttingen) analyze the mechanisms through which firms combine an STI (science-technology – innovation) and DUI (learning-by-doing, -using and -interacting) mode of innovation. Their new paper shows that the innovation mode concept ought to be applied as a continuum of combinations. Thus, SMEs integrate STI-based knowledge into DUI-routines through mechanisms with varying levels of complexity. The described mechanisms differ with respect to their effects on innovativeness, the required absorptive capacities, and costs incurred. Depending on the level of integration, cognitive, organizational and financial barriers impede a combination of innovation modes. At this point, regional innovation consultants can affect a successful combination. They derive implications for innovation policy regarding absorptive capacities in SMEs, showing that policy support extends beyond financial services.

Harm Alhusen, H.; Bennat, T. (2020): Combinatorial innovation modes in SMEs: mechanisms integrating STI processes into DUI mode learning and the role of regional innovation policy. European Planning Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2020.1786009

In a new publication, Sebastian Losacker and Ingo Liefner examine innovation strategies of Chinese companies. They distinguish between open and closed innovation processes by analyzing characteristics of the firms’ most important cooperation partners. Geographic proximity, the DUI mode and Guanxi (trust) are associated with closed innovation processes, while open innovation processes are characterized by geographically distant cooperation partners and the STI mode.

Losacker, S.; Liefner, I. (2020): Implications of China''s innovation policy shift: Does “indigenous” mean closed?. Growth and Change. Link zum open-access Artikel: DOI: 10.1111/grow.12400


Published by S. Losacker und T. Bennat