Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Institute News
New Publication: Corporate responsibility and place leadership in rural digitalization: the case of Hidden Champions.

New Publication: Corporate responsibility and place leadership in rural digitalization: the case of Hidden Champions.

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A new publication by Carsten Rietmann examines the regional engagement of Hidden Champions in rural areas. The article focuses on digitalization-related engagement, particularly with regard to digital infrastructure and digital skills. As highly innovative small and medium-sized market leaders, Hidden Champions face the challenge of participating in digitalization despite the frequently challenging firm location in rural areas. In the context of this research paper, around 60 interviews with company representatives and regional actors in rural areas of Germany were analyzed. The results show that Hidden Champions engage specifically with regard to digitalization and often exercise a form of place leadership. Motives for this engagement are often rooted in a perceived lack of speed and competence of public actors. In addition, an emotional attachment to the region also plays a special role, especially in the case of family businesses. From a regional policy perspective, the research results can contribute to striving for a stronger alignment of regional and entrepreneurial development goals. The article is available in open access mode.

Rietmann, C. (2022): Corporate responsibility and place leadership in rural digitalization: the case of Hidden Champions. European Planning Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2022.2059345