Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Institute News
9. ISEG: Regions, Technology, and Innovation in Asia in the Knowledge-Based Economy | Prof. Sam Ock Park

9. ISEG: Regions, Technology, and Innovation in Asia in the Knowledge-Based Economy | Prof. Sam Ock Park

Prof. Sam Ock Park,  Seoul National University.

Programm und Ablauf des Seminars

27.01. - 01.02.2002 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr

  • Economic spaces in pacific rim: a techno-economic paradigm shift and new dynamics
  • Regional innovation strategies for regional development in asia
  • Paths of sustainable industrialization in asia: innovation, industry and environment
  • Sub-regional industrialization in asia: industry in a networked world
  • High tech ventures and regional innovation systems in korea