Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Institute News
14. ISEG: Chinese Regional Economic Development Strategy: Technology and Foreign Direct Investment Clusters | Professor Dr. Susan Walcott

14. ISEG: Chinese Regional Economic Development Strategy: Technology and Foreign Direct Investment Clusters | Professor Dr. Susan Walcott

Professor Dr. Susan Walcott, Georgia State University, Asian Studies Center.

Programm und Ablauf des Seminars

24. - 28.01.2005 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr

  1. Seminar (24. Januar): The Chinese Regional Economy
    Reading: Asheim, B. (2000): Industrial districts: The contributions of Marshall and beyond. In G. Clark, M. Feldman, and M. Gertler, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, 413-31, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  2. Seminar  (25. Januar): Clusters as a Development Strategy
    Reading: Yeung, H. and Lin, G. (2003): Theorizing Economic Geographies of Asia. Economic Geography 79(2): 107-128.

  3. Seminar  (26. Januar): Global Economic Segmentation
    Reading: Lin, G. (2000): State, capital, and space in China in an age of volatile globalization. Environment and Planning A: 32:455-71.

  4. Seminar  (27. Januar): Leading Regions: Beijing and the Deltas - a soaring future?
    Reading: Wang, J. (2002): High and new technology industrial development zones. In: Webber, C.M. M. Wang, Y, Ahu (eds) China’s Transition to a Global Economy. London: Palgrave Macmillan Global Academic Publishing.

  5. Seminar  (28. Januar): Lagging Regions: the West and the Rest - redistribution or unrest?
    Reading: Fan, C. (1995): Of belts and ladders: State policy and uneven regional development in post-Mao China. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 85:421-49.

Design of the Seminar:

Each meeting will consist of a lecture by Prof. Walcott, followed by a short break. The discussion segment will be based on a reading pre-assigned to a group of students, who will summarize the main points and assist by posing discussion questions. A total of two readings are required: one for all prior to the first seminar and one for each group.